Words I learnt from Shashi Tharoor
Amidst his grandiloquent speeches, Shashi Tharoor's sesquipedalian expressions showcase a perspicacious mind that crafts mellifluous narratives, leaving audiences in awe of his eloquence and multiloquence, while never resorting to pusillanimous vocabulary.
Fancy, isn’t it? Well, Shashi Tharoor’s vocabulary is quite extensive. Now, take a look at the meanings of the words listed below and reread the paragraph. 😂
Pusillanimous: Showing a lack of courage or determination; timid
Sesquipedalian: Characterized by the use of long words
Ineffable: Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
Perspicacious: Having a keen insight or understanding; perceptive
Eloquence: Fluent, persuasive, and impactful speaking or writing
Grandiloquent: Pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner
Multiloquence: The quality of having many different or varied styles of speech
Verbose: Using more words than necessary; long-winded
Mellifluous: Flowing smoothly and sweetly, often used to describe speech/music
Callipygian: Having well-shaped buttocks
Out of these 10 words, which one is your favourite?