Why do words have different meanings?
Here's why the same words can mean different things:
Context Matters: Think of words as actors in a play. They act differently depending on the scene. For instance, "bank" can mean a place for money or the side of a river.
Words Evolve: Like how people change with time, words can too. New meanings pop up because our world keeps changing. For example, "mouse" used to mean just a furry critter, but now it can also be a computer device.
Hidden Meanings: Sometimes, words have secret meanings. "Heart" can mean the pump in your chest or the warm feeling you get when you love someone.
Where You Live Matters: Different places have their own special words. "Biscuit" is a soft treat in the U.S., but in the U.K., it's something else entirely!
Word Twins: Some words are twins with different jobs. These are called homonyms (same spelling, different meaning) and homophones (sound the same, different meaning).
Word Fun: People love playing with words. They use tricky meanings to make jokes or poems. Ever heard a pun? That's when a word has two meanings, and they're used for laughs.
Words on a Journey: Words can take a trip through time, and their meanings can change. "Girl" used to mean anyone young, but now it's mainly used for young females.
Special Meanings: Some words have secret handshakes with certain groups or times. They mean something special because of traditions or history.
So, words are like chameleons, changing colors to fit into their surroundings. They make language exciting and full of surprises!