Classic novels I enjoyed and learnt from
1. Wuthering Heights (by Emily Bronte) - The reality of an adopted child, the cruelty towards him, and how he takes revenge from those who wronged him. There's not another way I'd like to explain the plot of this 18th century novel
2. Othello (by Shakespeare) - The "green eyed monster" ; do you know what it represents? How it ruins even the purest hearts? If not, read this short play and get ready to witness the drama of the 16th century norms of a woman being loyal to her husband in every aspect, even to the point of defending him for insulting her in front of everyone.
3. Arms and the Man (by GB Shaw) - Have you ever heard about the realities of what goes on in war? This play portraits how the wars are glorified and that a soldier is also a human.
4. Tess of the D'Urbervilles (by Thomas Hardy) - How much do you believe in fate? Till what point do you think fate can be both beneficial and can ruin a person's life? Read this novel to know how fate destined Tess's life
Do let me know if you've read any of these :)