Know your NO
A person while growing up to be a perfect man or a woman, sometimes forgets how important can be a "No" in life.
People sometimes think that saying No to something is backing off or letting it go away, but that's not the "No" we need.
Below are points that define a "No" in certain situations-
🥇 A "NO" sometimes means you want to wait a little more - You will certainly come across a situation where you need this "NO". Waiting for something means that you have a belief that today or tomorrow it will happen.
🥈A "NO" sometimes can be related to patience - This type of "NO" does not mean that you are weak. It is a signal of strength that yes, I can take more pain.
🥉A "NO" can be No😅 - Yup, sometimes it's the actual meaning, you don't always have to say yes for every situation is not the right thing, sometimes a "NO" may lead you to the right answer.
🏅Lastly a "NO" can be for something in the future- this type of "NO" is very important when you want to stop something today which may help you shape a better future.
So people choose your "NO" at the right moment, learn more about the No's and shape yourself.