Creating Art with AI: An "Easy" step-by-step Tutorial
As AI continues to advance and penetrate deeper into our lives, more and more use cases for it are popping up. One of them is creating art with AI.
At present, there are multiple free and paid tools that can be used to prepare eye-catching illustrations and drawings.
But there's only one requirement. It requires a carefully worded prompt.
How to do that?? Let's break it down.
1) Try to describe what you want as accurately as possible. Write even the minute details with utmost attention. Like position of chair, colour of wall etc.
2) Make sure you use correct grammar and write the prompt as simply yet concisely as possible. Try not to confuse the machine.
3) Describe each detail one at a time following a sequence. Like start from the background which is a wall. And build around it. A wooden table kept in front of it with a plastic chair, and so on.
4) Never forget to mention the art style. For example 3D art, anime style, child art, child friendly 3D style etc.
And there you have it. If you follow the steps, the AI will produce your imagination on the screen which you can download and share!!
P.S. - Try figuring out what the prompt was for the below image :)