Understand the working of SSP...!!
SSP is a programmatic software that enables publishers to sell ad inventory to advertisers across different ad exchanges. By making their ad inventory available to large demand, an SSP helps to maximize the publisher’s ad revenue.
This platform is the opposite of DSP since publishers use it.
--Supply Side Platform Role in the Ad Selling Process:
SSP plays a crucial role in the ad selling process by helping publishers and app developers manage and monetize their digital advertising inventory. Here are 5 key considerations:
>>Real-time Bidding (RTB)
>>Yield Optimization
>>Price Floors
>>Control over Advertisers
--How Does SSP Work?
Simply put, SSPs connect publishers’ ad inventory to multiple ad exchanges and DSPs.
Supply-side platforms allow publishers to:
>>run an RTB auction and serve the ads;
>>evaluate the bids;
>>set the bidding range (aka price floors).
Examples of SSP:
>>Google Ad Manager
>>Xandr (formerly AppNexus)
>>Magnite (formerly Rubicon Project)
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